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Infection Prevention & Control

Gestion des Précautions Complémentaires - PH² International

Prevent and manage infection risks in healthcare environment thanks to our isolation management equipment.

Designed with hospital hygiene expert’s team, isolation management equipment of PH² International enable the execution of all isolation precautions in the care facilities (established by the French Society for Hospital Hygiene - SF2H). les unités de précaution et de prévention de PH² International permettent la mise en œuvre rapide des mesures d’isolement et de gestion des précautions complémentaires d’hygiène en milieu de soins (définies par la SF2H – Société Française d’Hygiène Hospitalière).


Equipped with the necessary Personal Protective Equipment (PPE) aimed at preventing the transmission of infectious agents, our tools help ensure the safety of persons (patients, caregivers, visitors) by limiting the risk of cross transmission.

Our Solutions

The UMP® serves both as a practical equipment and an educational tool. This prevention tool reminds, raises awareness, informs and harmonises an establishment's prevention and hygiene protocols to ensure the implementation of procedures and avoid or limit risk of transmission.

Unité de Distribution des EPI (UDEPI®) - PH² International

The wall-mounted, door-mounted or mobile Personal Protective Equipment Distribution Unit (UDEPI®) is a modular solution for the storage and distribution of PPE designed to secure care procedures and promote application of barrier measures inside or outside the patient's room.

Influenza Prevention Unit (UPG®) - PH² International

The Influenza Prevention Unit (UPG®), developed according to the recommendations of « the Haut Conseil de Santé Publique (HCSP) », is a device with the necessary equipment to promote the application of barrier procedures and measures in healthcare settings during an epidemic.

Unité Mobile de Précaution (UMP®) de porte - PH² International

Dispositif d'isolement compact, l'Unité de Protection et de Prévention des Infections (UPPI®) a été conçu pour faciliter avec une sécurité optimum la mise en oeuvre rapide des procédures de gestion des précautions complémentaires à l'extérieur ou à l'intérieur de la chambre du patient (selon le type de précautions).

About isolation procedures

As part of a policy to fight hospital-crossed infections, isolation measures must be applied in healthcare settings to prevent the transmission of an infectious agent (known or suspected). des mesures d’isolement sont appliquées en milieu de soins pour éviter ou limiter les risques de transmissions croisées d’agents infectieux, connus ou présumés, à des individus (patients, soignants, visiteurs) non infectés et non porteurs mais réceptifs.

In addition to standard basic precautions (wearing gloves, mask, gowns...), some infections or suspected infections require the implementation of additional precautions defined according to the modes of transmission of the infectious agent in question:

These isolation procedures are mandatory because they contribue to the quality of treatment and people's (patients, caregivers, visitors) safety in care facilities.